Freitag, 22. Februar 2008
Advice I
What you think is so
Develop that

Develop the ability to know:
What you think is so

The Beauty you see is
The Beauty you create

The World of Artists:
Each one makes his melodies
his own way
Each one creates his beauty
he sees

With you own genuine interest
Recieve their Beauties
You like what you like
You don't what you don't
Only you know

It's your artistic freedom
To like what you like
And do it you way
This is your native freedom

See what he does
Observe the rules he makes
Try them if you like
Draw what you want
Leave the rest

Do this with many others as you care
Do this enough times an then
try this:

Make up some rules
Or don't even bother
Try your techniques out of what you've drawn
Do it as you
And then - you easily own it

Keep what you like
Change what you want
Create your own rules
Have a question?
Get it answered
to your satisfaction

Seek out the ones who create
and are willing to share knowledge
Beware of the "authorities" who don't
themselves create

Discipline your body
Disciline your instrument
But only toward your own
dreams and goals

Run the body and make it obey
Practice with an even flow
Control with easy intention

Discover the Beauty of Slowness
It's the Beauty you intend

Practice your own imagination
Put your illusions through your
body and instrument

Sing to yourself without your body's
This is meant by
"hear it"

Play what you "hear"
Practice with an even flow

Control with easy intention

Gather the techniques that
serve your dreams
Create techniques to
serve your dreams

(Chick Corea)

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Der Morgen war vollgepackt und gespickt mit hektischen Tätigkeiten. Bin aber noch rechtzeitig fertig geworden, um meine Tochter von der Schule abzuholen, denn mit Öffies war heut ja nix.
Heute Abend trifft sich G. mit einer alten Freundin und J. und ich machen uns einen kuschligen Abend mit Essen, das er nicht mag und Filmen die er doof findet.
Sicherlich könnte ich ganz viele wichtige Dinge tun, die halt immer so rum liegen. Aber eigentlich haben die auch Zeit und ich keine Lust. Ich sitze also gerade gelangweilt auf dem Sofa, freue mich auf den Abend und find den Nachmittag blöd.

Ich sollte das ändern.


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recording time: 6982 Tage
last track: 2014/01/25 19:09
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